We’re always here to help you. Whether you have a project inquiry, a general question, or feedback to share, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your thoughts and ideas are valuable to us. Let’s connect and make something great together! Feel free to contact us anytime.

+965 22088598
[email protected]

Say Hello!

Our “Contact Us” page is a bridge that connects us with our visitors. It’s a place where our visitors can reach out to us directly with their queries, suggestions, or feedback. It’s an essential part of our website that fosters communication and engagement.

Kuwait Head Office

Tower 50, 18th Floor, Block 7
Sharq, Kuwait

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +965 22088598
Mobile: (+965) 60001564|65820069

Copenhagen Factory

Street Number 58, Block C
Shuwaikh Industrial, Kuwait

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +965 22088598